10 Facts and Quotes for International Women’s Day

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Today we support and appreciate the women in our lives and especially the personas who are creating new and inspiring trends in the finance world. For a long period of time, women representation in the world of finance and trading was somewhat minuscule, with only 12% of EU traders being female. However, there is a noticeable shift that more female investors started joining the trading realm.

Here are 3 interesting facts about women and the financial markets:

  1. On average, women outperform men by 0.4%. However, only 9% of women think they make better investors than men.
  2. Since 2018, the number of females investing outside of retirement grew by 23%, according to Fidelity.
  3. 50% of women say they are more interested in investing since the start of the pandemic.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we thought we’d find a little inspiration from the strong female business leaders of the world.

7 inspiring quotes from women business leaders:

  1. “There is no substitute for hard work. There is a little luck along the way, but there is no substitute for really super-hard work, first in, last out.” Mary Callahan Erdoes CEO, Asset & Wealth Management, JPMorgan Chase
  2. “In the world of money, which is a world shaped by human behavior, nobody has the foggiest notion of what will happen in the future. Mark that word – Nobody!” Linda Bradford Raschke, LBR Asset Management.
  3. “Option A is not available. So let’s kick the sh** out of option B.” – Sheryl Sandberg , COO of Facebook
  4. “If you’re clear on what you believe, you have a great foundation to go make a market.”—Ginni Rometty, Chairman, president and CEO of IBM
  5. “I’m a believer. I’m one of the few standing before you today from a large financial services company that has not given up on digital currencies.” Abigail Johnson Chair and CEO, Fidelity Investments
  6. “2023: The Building Blocks of The New Economy. If we can get to that point where we have a known interest rate environment, even if inflation is still a little elevated, I think we can operate in that environment for a long time” Adena Friedman President and CEO, Nasdaq
  7. “There is enough data that you can truly make a difference in how you’re investing. It’s a way to get engaged with companies; that’s the new flavor in sustainability – is ‘corporate engagement’.” Suni Harford President, UBS Asset Management
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